Job Hunt
...dun dun dun dunnn...
So, the "fun" has finally begun (well actually about 2 weeks ago I guess) and I am job hunting to my hearts content. I have been writing, re-writing and re-re-writing resumes (Not allowed to call them CV's here as people have no idea what that means!) for various job roles. I always thought one resume would suffice for all job applications, as long as you differentiate the cover letter, but no, I need a new resume for all job types >_>

Another avenue I have looked down is banking. There is tons of banks here and my degree in finance and previous job in customer service would sound a good starting point for customer service role there, although I've had no luck yet, not through lack of effort. I'll keep checking their websites for new positions though.
My final "long shot" efforts have been in an entry level finance role. It would match my degree well and could be something I might like for a permanent career. Although, I have no experience here and no Canadian qualifications, so this might be hard.
For now I am looking at more career based roles. I've applied to a few local retail jobs, but not heard anything. If I get desperate in a few weeks time, then maybe I will go down that avenue, but for now I want to concentrate on something I could like long-term and that offers possible progression.
Oh, I did have a telephone interview for Strangeloops Networks, the #1 Company to Work for in BC today It was unexpected and out of the blue, so I am not sure if it went okay or terribly. I'd love to work for them though as their work ethic is amazing. Free breakfast, a PS3 room, a ping pong room, a nap room(!) and no dress code. It sounds amazing, so no doubt I won't get it.
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