Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Au Revoir Grand Bretagne!

Today I leave my small town and take a train to London where I am staying overnight in a hotel. We fly early tomorrow morning!

Nerves have well and truly settled in and "What the hell are you doing?" thoughts are firmly enlodged in my brain. I think once I meet up with the two other guys I am flying with, my nerves will settle and I will be fine, but for the rest of today at least, I'll be a bit of a wreck!

I won't be able to write again for at least a few days. Our hostel does have internet, but it charges to use their computers and I don't have a laptop as of yet. Also, I will be a bit busy exploring my new city to be writing long blogs! 

Checking out, for now!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck man!

    I will definitely be reading this blog whenever I can, seeing although I'm kind of in the same situation. Well, wanting to be in the same situation but rather than moving to Canada, I want to go to the US.

    Once again, good luck and have fun.
