Saturday, 28 April 2012

A Man Without a Plan

So, some of you may be thinking for me to undertake this journey, I surely have a bigger picture, a plan, a course of action. 

Well, I'm sorry to disappoint all of you methodical types out there, but I'm arriving fairly blind. The only real plan is to arrive in Vancouver, get to the hostel, fall asleep, wake up, then PANIC

All jokes aside, my only plan is in my head. Arrive, find a place to live, make friends, find a job and enjoy my time there. How on earth I am going to do any of that, I have no idea. I guess that's part of the adventure. 

So, where am I heading first? Well, it's a hostel called Samesun. It's based on the main street through the entertainment district, where all the bars and high street shops are. It's pretty much in the thick of it, which is ideal to begin with, but long-term I probably won't want to stay so central. It is the highest rated hostel in Vancouver, with a very young vibe, lots of people in the same situation as me, so hopefully I can meet a lot of like minded travellers and possibly someone to live with. It also sits above it's own restaurant/cafe, has it's own bar and organises its own events/activities. Pretty much, it's THE place to be for travellers in Vancouver.
I'll be staying there until I can find my own place, so most likely 2 weeks at the very least, considering new leases start on the first of the month, and I arrive mid May. 

On my second day we have orientation. This is basically a presentation and help and advice about things like SIN numbers (you need it to work), bank accounts, applying for jobs, accommodation etc.  This is (hopefully) where I go from a headless chicken, to a headed, yet still pretty clueless one. 

From there on out, I'm sort of on my own. I have constant help and advice should I need it from a SWAP office in the city, but really, you have to do everything yourself. I can't complain though, afterall, independence is a big part of my trip, and this is as independent as it comes!

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