The Preface
So, where to start. I guess I will start, well, from the start. The what's, where's, why's, how's and when's.
The What?
In just under 2 months time I will be undergoing a journey way out of my comfort zone. I will be leaving the small town I reside in in England, flying 4725 miles to Vancouver and beginning an adventure I will never forget. I will be there for up to a year, with the option to extend the visa for another year (which I have a feeling I will take up, assuming I like it there)
The Why?
Here I type from my small, single bedroom in my parents house. It's safe, secure, comfortable and easy. I'm 23, work in a job that is pretty cushy and pretty much everything in my life is just that.

"You still live at home?" "You don't have a girlfriend?" "You really work for a Bookmakers?"
These are questions I know people think to themselves, but are too nice to ask. And recently, okay, for a while now, I've been asking myself the same.
So, around a year ago, when I was jobless and almost penniless, I decided something drastic was needed to jumpstart my adult life. I managed to find myself a job locally, which allowed me to save money. I said to myself if I was still stuck in the same job and had the same life the following year, I would undertake this adventure with my savings. So, here I am, nearly a year later, with the same life, but with the money to change things.
The How?
I found out about this trip during a summer holiday convention at University. I noticed a company called BUNAC who offered various trips to various places around the world. America, Australia, Africa, New Zealand and Canada.
At the time I absolutely couldn't afford a trip like this. But it stuck in my head ever since and upon leaving University I always wanted to travel.
The Where?
So why Canada? Well, Canada is a place I've always wanted to visit. The people are meant to be friendly, the place is one of the most picturesque you will find and its culturally very similar to England. In my eyes it is similar to America, only without all the annoying things a long with it.
I also have family who live in Canada should I need any help or advice.
All in all, everything pointed to Canada.
The When?
Well, having just received my Letter of Introduction, I can go whenever I like. However, as I like to procrastinate as much as possible, I will be booking my flights in the next few days hoping to go on May 16th.
So, here I am, preparing myself for the journey ahead and what better way to remember it than to keep a blog throughout. I'll aim to write here at least once per week, although that may be difficult when I first arrive considering I won't even have a laptop until I buy one.
Wish me luck!
Wish me luck!
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